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just came out.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: just came out.

Hi everyone

In 26 bisexual male, and im glad im bisexual. I didnt always feel glad about it. I hid it from myself for years. I started feeling atttracted to men when i was in college. Actually was attracted to my male roomate, who was "All about the ladies" if u know what i mean. So I suppressed it. Idk man in my household and where im from.. my family doesnt really understand same S-- relationships. Theyre very old hard save ur money be a good christian...and good things will happen. I could tell still my parents are weirded out about it. Not just the fact that i was with a man, but im starting to let that "feminine side" of me come out. I also am the youngest of 2 brothers. So i always felt like i had to "man up" to earn their respect.(more reason to stay in the closet) All of that with a small town of 3000 people up in the mountains, had kept me hiding. I always felt like i had to "be a man". U kno.. dont talk about your emotions, dont cry, etc.. being with a guy seemed like this..idk abhorrent act or something. Like the world would stop turning if i did stuff. So I moved away a little over a year ago. And met an awesome girl, who is also bisexual. It was a first for both of us as wed never been with a bi person of the opposite s--. Anyway the relationship took its course, but she was the first person i came out too, and than i came out to my family, friends, people at work. And eventually got intimate with another guy. And i realize now that its all just fear. 99 percent of people dont really care if ur strate, gay, or bi. Today, I could see a couple walking down the street.. i check em both out...heck yea. How awesome is that?? its pure s----l freedom. I dont have to look at one more than the other or feel bad. If i see someone thats sexy, i admire the it. beauty should be freggin admired!!! Dang life is getting better. Anyways thats a flash into me. Im hoping to make some friends here. It seems like a cool site. Im kinda a conservative personality till i get to know people better..than i dont shut Hopefully Ill catch some of you guys in chat. Take it easy.

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